College Enrollment & Student Demographic Statistics

Written report Highlights. Higher enrollment totals 16.6 million undergraduate students nationwide. Overall, the number of enrolled college students has declined 6.six% since 2010.

  • three.1 million or xv.six% of all postsecondary students are in graduate programs.
  • The number of graduate students declined 27.9% year-over-year (YoY); undergraduate students declined 5.1%.
  • nineteen.iii% of the student population is Hispanic or Latino, a 451.2% increase from 1976.
  • The charge per unit of female college attendance has nearly doubled since 1947, increasing 96.ix%.

Line Graph: Historical College Enrollment total, undergraduate, and graduate levels, in selected years from 1970 to 2019

A farther 369,402 students attend postsecondary institutions that do not, at the time of publication, grant degrees; most of these institutions are transitioning to higher levels of education. Students at these institutions are excluded from this written report unless noted otherwise. When including these students, the nationwide total number of postsecondary students climbs to 20.0 meg.

Related research reports include Student Loan Debt Statistics | College Graduation Statistics | College Dropout Rates | Boilerplate Cost of Higher | Student Loan Refinancing

Higher Enrollment Statistics

College enrollment statistics point that more Americans are forgoing higher education; some may be putting off college attendance to build savings.

  • Enrollment peaked in 2010 at 21.0 one thousand thousand.
  • 12.0 million or sixty.9% of all students, graduate and undergraduate, are enrolled total-fourth dimension.
  • fourteen.0 million or 71.5% of all college students attend 4-year institutions.
  • five.7 one thousand thousand or 28.5% of all students nourish two-year institutions.
  • four.1 1000000 or xx.vii% of students graduate annually.
  • 66.2% of high school (or equivalent) graduates get on to postsecondary report.
  • 21.8% of new graduates enroll in 2-year colleges; 44.four% enroll in 4-year programs.
  • The rate of enrollment among new loftier schoolhouse graduates declined four.2% YoY.
  • Since 1960, the charge per unit of enrollment among high school graduates increased 46.viii% total (0.8% annually).
  • Among starting time-time, offset-year college students, 83.0% are full-time students.
  • As many equally vi.6% of American adults are currently enrolled in higher as part-time or full-time students.
  • 27% of 4-year institutions had open up-admissions policies.
  • Among those accepted, 29% accepted at least 75% of their applicants.
  • 30% accepted more than than half of their applicants; 14% accepted less than half of their applicants.
  • 2.3 million students are foreign-born.
College Enrollment from 1950 to 2019, Selected Years
Year Total Enrollment Public Institution Enrollment Rate
1950 two,281,298 50.0%
1955 two,653,034 55.6%
1957 3,323,783 59.4%
1959 3,639,847 59.9%
1961 4,145,065 61.viii%
1963 iv,779,609 64.5%
1964 5,280,020 65.7%
1965 five,920,864 67.0%
1966 half-dozen,389,872 68.ane%
1967 six,911,748 69.7%
1968 seven,513,091 72.three%
1969 eight,004,660 73.7%
1970 8,580,887 74.9%
1971 8,948,644 76.0%
1972 nine,214,860 76.7%
1973 ix,602,123 77.iii%
1974 ten,223,729
1975 11,184,859 79.0%
1976 11,012,137 78.6%
1977 11,285,787 78.4%
1978 xi,260,092 78.0%
1979 11,569,899 78.1%
1980 12,096,895 78.ii%
1981 12,371,672 78.0%
1982 12,425,780 78.0%
1983 12,464,661 77.7%
1984 12,241,940 77.4%
1985 12,247,055 77.4%
1986 12,503,511
1987 12,766,642
1988 xiii,055,337 77.8%
1989 thirteen,538,560 78.1%
1990 13,818,637 78.five%
1991 14,358,953 78.8%
1992 fourteen,487,359 78.half dozen%
1993 14,304,803 78.2%
1994 xiv,278,790 78.0%
1995 14,261,781 77.8%
1996 fourteen,367,520 77.4%
1997 14,502,334 77.two%
1998 14,506,967 76.viii%
1999 14,849,691 76.6%
2000 fifteen,312,289 76.8%
2001 15,927,987 76.8%
2002 16,611,711 76.eight%
2003 16,911,481 76.0%
2004 17,272,044 75.2%
2005 17,487,475 74.5%
2006 17,754,230 72.0%
2007 18,258,138 73.ix%
2008 19,081,686 73.2%
2009 20,313,594 72.9%
2010 21,019,438 72.0%
2011 21,010,590 71.nine%
2012 20,644,478 72.1%
2013 xx,376,677 72.4%
2014 twenty,209,092 72.5%
2015 19,988,204 72.nine%
2016 19,846,904 73.5%
2017 19,778,151 74.0%
2018 xix,651,412 74.0%
2019 19,637,499 73.8%
2020**= 19,744,000 74.0%
2021* nineteen,778,000 74.0%

*Unconfirmed projection

Enrollment by Caste

Higher enrollment statistics signal that, whether they earn their caste or drib out, virtually undergraduate students make i effort to complete their college education.

  • 73.viii% of college students at all education levels attend public institutions.
  • 78.5% of undergraduates nourish public institutions.
  • Amidst the 3.half-dozen million undergraduates who attend private institutions, nourish nonprofit schools.
  • 48.eight% of graduate students attend public institutions.
  • 60.nine% of undergraduates are full-time or full-time equivalent (FTE) students.
  • Graduate students are 18.eight% more than likely to have courses online than undergraduate students are.
  • 75% of undergraduates are certificate- or caste-seeking students.
  • Commencement-time, certificate- or degree-seeking undergraduates make up 15% of the pupil body population.
  • 25% of undergraduates are not seeking a certificate or caste.
  • four.43 1000000 college students graduated in 2021†.
    • 24.half-dozen% received associate's degrees.
    • 49.9% received bachelor'south degrees.
    • 20.8% earned principal's degrees.
    • 4.vii% earned doctorates or professional degrees.
  • 50.8% of all bachelor's degrees are in five fields.
    • 19.i% in business
    • 11.nine% in health professions and related studies
    • eight% in social sciences and history
    • 5.nine% in psychology
    • v.nine% in biological and biomedical sciences
  • 66% of associates' degrees conferred are in 3 fields.
    • 36.viii% are in full general studies and/or humanities
    • 17.7% in health professions and related
    • eleven.6% in business


College Enrollment past Race or Ethnicity

Demographic statistics are imperfect considering many people practise not easily fit into just one category. Not all races are represented, and some data, particularly when it is historical, use obsolete definitions and terminology. The language of this report conforms to the language used in bachelor information sets.

  • 54.3% of college students are White or Caucasian.
  • 72.half dozen% of White or Caucasian students enroll at four-year institutions.
  • As a percentage of the entire student population, nonwhite student attendance has increased 191.1% since 1976.
  • Among students of color with a 1200 or better score in the Saturday/Human activity, 57% of students graduate with an academic credential.
  • 33% of white Americans over the age of 25 hold a bachelor's degree compared to 19% of Black or African Americans and sixteen% of Hispanic Americans.
  • Students of color boilerplate a 21% increase in earning potential when attending more selective colleges.
  • The average increase in earning potential is fifteen% for White or Caucasian students attending the same selective schools.
  • 56% of Hispanic or Latino and 46% of Blackness or African American. students end a iv-yr degree within six years, compared to 72% of White students.
  • Black and Hispanic students enroll in higher numbers in community colleges and less-selective iv-year institutions.
  • Among Black or African American high schoolhouse graduates with a three.5 GPA or amend, well-nigh 33% nourish community college.
  • 22% of White or Caucasian students with similar grades nourish community college.
  • Since 2000, customs college enrollment among Hispanic or Latina females between the ages of xviii and 24 years increased from 25% to 41%.
  • Also since 2000, the enrollment rate amongst White females aged 18 to 24 increased from 41% to 44%.
  • Black females betwixt the ages of eighteen and 24 increased enrollment from 35% to xl%.

American Indian or Alaska Native Enrollment

Postsecondary attendance among American Indian or Alaska Native students has been in reject since 2010.

  • 0.66% of students place equally American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • The attendance rate among American Indian or Alaska Native students increased 2.9% YoY.
  • Attendance among students of this demographic has declined 4.iii% since 1976.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native students saw their highest rate of attendance in 2000 (9.9%).
  • 78.9% of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 61.8% of American Indian or Alaska Native students attend 4-yr institutions.

Asian or Asian American Enrollment

Postsecondary attendance amongst Asian or Asian American students has steadily grown since 2010; attendance rates prior to 2010 are unavailable.

  • 6.viii% of students place every bit Asian or Asian American.
  • The attendance charge per unit among Asian or Asian American students increased ane.8% YoY.
  • Attendance among students of this demographic has increased xvi.8% since 2010.
  • 76.1% of Asian or Asian American nourish public institutions.
  • 74.two% of Asian or Asian American students nourish 4-year institutions.

Black or African American Enrollment

Postsecondary omnipresence among Black or African American students was on the ascension until 2010; since then, it has been in reject.

  • 12.half-dozen% of students identify every bit Blackness or African American.
  • The omnipresence rate amongst Black or African American students declined 0.viii% YoY.
  • Attendance among students of this demographic has declined 12.9% since 2010.
  • Blackness or African American students have increased among the student population 34.0% since 1976.
  • 68.5% of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
  • 68.3% of Black or African American students attend 4-year institutions.
  • Hispanic or Latino Enrollment

    Postsecondary attendance amidst Hispanic or Latino students has skyrocketed in the final fifty years and continues to grow annually.

    • 19.iii% of the college student population identifies as Hispanic or Latino.
    • The omnipresence rate among Hispanic or Latino students increased iii.9% YoY.
    • Attendance among this demographic has increased 47.3% since 2010.
    • Hispanic or Latino students have increased among the student population 452.ane% since 1976.
    • of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
    • 59.v% of Hispanic or Latino students enroll in 4-year colleges.

    Pacific Islander Enrollment

    As with the Asian or Asian American category, attendance rates prior to 2010 are unavailable.

    • 0.26% of the college student population identifies every bit Pacific Islander.
    • The attendance rate among Pacific Islander students increased 1.2% YoY.
    • Attendance among this demographic has declined 14.viii% since 2010.
    • 65.5% of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
    • 67.8% of Pacific Islander students enroll in iv-twelvemonth colleges.

    Multiracial Enrollment

    Students who identify as two or more races are categorized every bit multiracial. Information prior to 2010 is unavailable.

    • iii.8502% of the college student population identifies equally multiracial.
    • The attendance rate among multiracial students increased YoY.
    • Attendance among multiracial students has increased 148.7% since 2010.
    • 75.5% of students in this demographic attend public institutions.
    • 72.ane% of multiracial students enroll in 4-year colleges.

    Nonresident Noncitizen Enrollment

    The discussion "noncitizen" differentiates this pupil demographic from nonresident students (that is, U.S. citizens or permanent residents attending a U.South. schoolhouse outside their state of residence).

    • 5.0% of enrolled college students are nonresident noncitizens.
    • The attendance rate amongst these students declined i.5% YoY.
    • Omnipresence among these students has increased 149.3% since 1976.
    • Since 2010, attendance is up 47.three%.
    • 61.2% of students in this demographic nourish public institutions.
    • 91.ix% of nonresident, noncitizen students enroll in 4-year colleges.

    College Enrollment past Sex or Gender

    Express information makes no significant representation of genders across the standard binary. Updates to data collection policies may make these statistics bachelor in the future.

    • Women are 24.7% more probable to enroll in higher education than men are.
    • Women are 4.five% more than likely to attend individual institutions than men are.
    • 44.v% of postsecondary and postgraduate students are men.
    • 55.5% of undergraduate and graduate students are women.
    • In 1960, 41.2% of college students were women.
    • 75.8% of male college students attend public institutions; 24.2% attend individual schools.
    • 74.7% of female students attend public institutions; 25.iii% attend private schools.
    • 37.8% of American males anile eighteen to 24 years are enrolled in college or graduate school.
    • 78.4% of male college students aged 18 to 24 years attend public institutions; 21.6% attend private institutions.
    • 46.7% of American females aged 18 to 24 years are enrolled in college or graduate schoolhouse.
    • 76.vii% of female college students aged 18 to 24 years attend public institutions; 23.three% attend private institutions.
    • 66.9% of male students are recent high school graduates aged 16 to 24 years.
    • 71.three% of female students are recent high school graduates aged xvi to 24 years.
    • Women earn 57% of bachelor's degrees.
    • Among students pursuing a bachelor'southward degree at a 4-year institution, 63% of women and 57% of men complete their degrees in 6 years.

    Bar graph: College Enrollment by Age from 15 Years or Under to 55 Years +

    Higher Enrollment by Age

    Near college students first enroll in their late teens every bit full-fourth dimension students. Part-fourth dimension students are more likely to be older.

    • 92.0% of college students are nether the historic period of 24.
    • 12.eight million, or of American xviii- to 24-yr-olds are enrolled in college or graduate school.
    • 74.five% of all 18- and 19-yr-olds are enrolled in school of any type.
    • of 20- to 24-year-olds are enrolled in school.
    • 11.4% of Americans aged 25 to 34 years are enrolled.
    • ii.3% of those 35 years and older are enrolled.
    • The average age for students enrolled total-time in undergraduate programs is 21.8 years one-time; the average age of office-time students is 27.ii years.
    • 49% of all undergraduate and postgraduate students were twenty-21 years old.
    • ii.8% of college students are under xviii.
    • 0.2% of college students are aged 55 and older.

    College Enrollment by Economical Status

    Students from the highest quintile of socioeconomic status are 50% more likely to enroll in college than those in the lowest quintile.

    • 42% of students from the lowest quintile of socioeconomic condition pursue a 2-year caste; 32% pursue a 4-twelvemonth plan.
    • 78% of students from the highest quintile of socioeconomic status seek a 4-twelvemonth caste; xiii% pursue a 2-twelvemonth degree.
    • 37% of students from high-income status families and 7% of lower-income students get-go enroll at highly selective institutions.

    Line Graph: Historical Full-Time College Enrollment, Selected Years, from 1970 to 2018

    Statistics indicate that while enrollment rates increased at a more-or-less steady pace for decades, the past 10 years have seen a significant decline in college omnipresence.

    • College enrollment rates have increased 195% since 1970, when iii.5% of the U.S. population were college students.
    • In the 2010s, the rate of enrollment declined past 2.six% annually.
    • v.five 1000000 full-time students were enrolled in college in 1967.
    • In 2000, 11.3 million full-fourth dimension students were enrolled.
    • From 1970 to 1979, college enrollment increased at a rate of 2.six% each year.
    • In the '80s, enrollment increased at a rate of 1.1%, and in the '90s, it increased 0.99% per year.
    • In the 2000s, college enrollment grew at an annual rate of 3.7%. In the 2010s, however, enrollment rates declined at an annual rate of 0.7%.
    • In 1960, of high school completers enrolled in college the post-obit autumn.
    • 1.68 million new graduates started as higher freshmen that twelvemonth.
    • In 1970, 5.half-dozen million or 75.7% of all students attended public institutions; today, of students are at public schools.
    • line graph of full-time college student enrollment from 2000 to 2020 by institution type

      College enrollment statistics signal that most students are willing to travel out of their abode state for their college education. In well-nigh states, residents make up less than 20% of the student population.

      • California has the highest number of enrolled college students at 2.72 million, a 116.0% increment since 1970.
      • Florida, New York, and Texas are the just other states with more than a million college students enrolled.
      • Alaska has the smallest pupil population with 23,353 students enrolled; that's a 146.6% increase since 1970.
      • Wyoming, Montana, and Vermont all take fewer than 50,000 enrolled college students.
      • New Hampshire and Utah have seen the largest increases in enrollment rates since 2010 at 124.2% and 49.1%, respectively.
      • 44 states have seen a refuse in postsecondary enrollment since 2010.
      • Iowa and Alaska saw the largest declines in enrollment since 2010, losing 42.9% and 32.9% of their respective student population.
      • Iowa and Alaska also saw the largest YoY declines, losing 14.two% and 9.ten% of their respective student populations.
      • The simply states to run across an increase in the number of students enrolled since 2010 are: New Hampshire, Utah, Idaho, Delaware, and Texas, as well as the District of Columbia.
      • Indiana and Utah had the largest YoY educatee population growth at 8.ix% and 6.0%, respectively.
      • California is the simply state to maintain a steady student population since 2010.
      • Enrollment statistics bespeak that most Commune of Columbia residents prefer to attend higher elsewhere.
      • Puerto Rico colleges retain the highest percentage of residents, followed past Utah.
      College Enrollment Trends Among States
      State Higher Enrollment %Change, 2010 to 2019
      Alabama 303,030 -7.50%
      Alaska 23,353 -32.nine%
      Arizona 609,144 -23.iii%
      Arkansas 158,587 -9.eight%
      California two,715,085 0.0%
      Colorado 368,123 -0.4%
      Connecticut 193,686 -2.nine%
      Delaware 59,983 8.6%%
      District of Columbia 98,909 vii.5%
      Florida 1,066,783 -five.ii%
      Georgia 553,755 -two.vii%
      Hawaii 60,434 -22.6%
      Idaho 121,964 43.1%
      Illinois 718,504 -20.8%
      Indiana 422,906 -eight.0%
      Iowa 218,033 -42.9%
      Kansas 208,538 -2.9%
      Kentucky 266,507 -8.4%
      Louisiana 243,750 -7.half dozen%
      Maine 71,658 -1.0%
      Maryland 354,913 -six.i%
      Massachusetts 492,497 -3.0%
      Michigan 525.491
      Minnesota 402,729 -thirteen.5%
      Mississippi 166,969 -7.two%
      Missouri 362,908 -18.4%
      Montana 48,066 -9.8%
      Nebraska 135,509 -6.iii%
      Nevada 119,771 -vii.iv%
      New Hampshire 169,338 124.two%
      New Jersey 413,175 -seven.0%
      New Mexico 121,816 -25.1%
      New York 1,235,812 -5.3%
      Due north Carolina 568,563 -2.nine%
      Due north Dakota 52,354 -8.0%
      Ohio 656,445 -11.9%
      Oklahoma 192,656 -16.4%
      Oregon 225,716 -ten.iii%
      Pennsylvania 696,340 -13.viii%
      Puerto Rico 187,210 -24.4%
      Rhode Island lxxx,077 -five.9%
      South Carolina 241,572 -6.0%
      Due south Dakota 51,941 -11.0%
      Tennessee 323,086 -8.2%
      Texas i,657,691 seven.9%
      Utah 381,283 49.1%
      Vermont 41,186 -9.6%
      Virginia 557,063 -three.half dozen%
      Washington 363,019 -6.five%
      West Virginia 139,159 -8.7%
      Wisconsin 332,856 -xiii.4%
      Wyoming 32,373 -3.3%

      College Enrollment in Alabama of students enrolled in Alabama colleges are country residents; 22.2% are nonresidents.

      • 303,030 students are enrolled in Alabama colleges.
      • Enrollment has declined 7.5% since 2010.
      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 215.2%.
      • 34.ane% of total-time students are female.
      • 73.8% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
      • Amidst all land residents enrolled in college, 14.2% leave the state to attend school.

      College Enrollment in Alaska

      92.5% of students enrolled in Alaska colleges are state residents; 7.5% are nonresidents.

      • 23,353 students are enrolled in Alaska colleges.
      • Enrollment has declined 32.9% since 2010.
      • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 267.four%.
      • 38.6% of full-time students are female.
      • of enrolled students attend public institutions.
      • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 42.1% go out the state to nourish school.

      Higher Enrollment in Arizona

      70.four% of students enrolled in Arizona colleges are country residents; 29.half-dozen% are nonresidents.

      • 609,144 students are enrolled in Arizona colleges.
      • Enrollment has declined 23.3% since 2010.
      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 624.2%.
      • of full-time students are female.
      • 95.6% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
      • Among all land residents enrolled in college, 13.0% exit the state to attend school.

      College Enrollment in Arkansas

      76.5% of students enrolled in Arkansas colleges are state residents; 23.5% are nonresidents.

      • 158,587 students are enrolled in Arkansas colleges.
      • Enrollment has declined ix.viii% since 2010.
      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 237.ix%.
      • 33.0% of full-time students are female.
      • 62.0% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
      • Among all country residents enrolled in college, 14.six% get out the state to attend schoolhouse.

      College Enrollment in California

      88.8% of students enrolled in California colleges are country residents; 11.2% are nonresidents.

      • 2,715,085 students are enrolled in California colleges.
      • Enrollment has increased 0.0% since 2010.
      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 115.9%.
      • 35.8% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
      • 89.5% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
      • Among all state residents enrolled in college, xi.6% exit the state to attend schoolhouse.

      College Enrollment in Colorado

      71.eight% of students enrolled in Colorado colleges are state residents; 28.2% are nonresidents.

      • 368,123 students are enrolled in Colorado colleges.
      • Enrollment has declined 0.iv% since 2010.
      • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 199.4%.
      • 31.1% of full-time students are female person.
      • 82.eight% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
      • Amidst all state residents enrolled in college, 25.2% leave the country to attend school.

      College Enrollment in Connecticut

      65.0% of students enrolled in Connecticut colleges are state residents; 35.0% are nonresidents.

      • 193,686 students are enrolled in Connecticut colleges.
      • Enrollment has declined two.9% since 2010.
      • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 59.ix%.
      • 31.0% of total-time students are female.
      • 77.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
      • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 42.5% get out the state to attend schoolhouse.
      • College Enrollment in Delaware

        58.two% of students enrolled in Delaware colleges are state residents; 41.8 are nonresidents.

        • 59,983 students are enrolled in Delaware colleges.
        • Enrollment has declined increased 8.half-dozen% since 2010.
        • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 188.viii%.
        • 36.8% of full-time students are female.
        • of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
        • Amidst all state residents enrolled in college, 31.9% leave the state to attend school.
        • College Enrollment in Commune of Columbia

          7.7% of students enrolled in D.C. colleges are district residents; 92.4% are nonresidents.

          • 98,909 students are enrolled in D.C. colleges.
          • Enrollment has increased 7.v% since 2010.
          • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 19.ii%.
          • 34.ix% of full-time students are female.
          • 70.iv% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
          • Amid all district residents enrolled in college, 76.iii% leave the commune to attend school.
          • College Enrollment in Florida

            82.7% of students enrolled in Florida colleges are state residents; 17.3% are nonresidents.

            • 1,066,783 students are enrolled in Florida colleges.
            • Enrollment has declined 5.2% since 2010.
            • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 377.half dozen%.
            • 39.5% of full-time students are female person.
            • iv.5% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
            • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, 13.2% leave the country to attend school.
            • College Enrollment in Georgia

              82.5% of students enrolled in Georgia colleges are state residents; 17.5% are nonresidents.

              • 553,755 students are enrolled in Georgia colleges.
              • Enrollment has declined 2.7% since 2010.
              • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 349.7%.
              • 33.5% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
              • 74.8% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
              • Amidst all land residents enrolled in college, twenty.6% leave the state to attend school.
              • Higher Enrollment in Hawaii

                73.7% of students enrolled in Hawaii colleges are state residents; 26.three% are nonresidents.

                • 60,434 students are enrolled in Hawaii colleges.
                • Enrollment has declined since 2010.
                • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 113.5%.
                • 35.9% of full-time students are female.
                • eighty.three% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                • Among all land residents enrolled in college, 39.3% exit the land to attend school.
                • Higher Enrollment in Idaho

                  59.v% of students enrolled in Idaho colleges are country residents; xl.6% are nonresidents.

                  • 121,964 students are enrolled in Idaho colleges.
                  • Enrollment has increased 43.1% since 2010.
                  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 146.5%.
                  • 34.0% of full-time students are female person.
                  • 82.7% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                  • Among all country residents enrolled in higher, 27.i% get out the land to attend school.
                  • Higher Enrollment in Illinois

                    82.0% of students enrolled in Illinois colleges are state residents; xviii.0% are nonresidents.

                    • 718,504 students are enrolled in Illinois colleges.
                    • Enrollment has declined 20.8% since 2010.
                    • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 100.half dozen%.
                    • 27.5% of full-time students are female.
                    • 64.6% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                    • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 32.5% leave the land to attend school.
                    • College Enrollment in Indiana

                      71.v% of students enrolled in Indiana colleges are country residents; 28.5% are nonresidents.

                      • 422,906 students are enrolled in Indiana colleges.
                      • Enrollment has declined 8.0% since 2010.
                      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 138.5%.
                      • 31.9% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
                      • 63.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                      • Amidst all state residents enrolled in college, 14.0% leave the state to attend schoolhouse.
                      • College Enrollment in Iowa

                        64.6% of students enrolled in Iowa colleges are state residents; 35.4% are nonresidents.

                        • 218,033 students are enrolled in Iowa colleges.
                        • Enrollment has declined 42.9% since 2010.
                        • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 250.7%.
                        • 34.ix% of full-fourth dimension students are female person.
                        • 78.7% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                        • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 13.4% exit the state to attend school.
                        • College Enrollment in Kansas

                          70.9% of students enrolled in Kansas colleges are state residents; 29.1% are nonresidents.

                          • 208,538 students are enrolled in Kansas colleges.
                          • Enrollment has declined two.ix% since 2010.
                          • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 109.half-dozen%.
                          • 32.ix% of total-time students are female.
                          • 75.2% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                          • Amid all state residents enrolled in college, xvi.1% get out the country to attend school.
                          • College Enrollment in Kentucky

                            lxxx.5% of students enrolled in Kentucky colleges are country residents; 19.6% are nonresidents.

                            • 266,507 students are enrolled in Kentucky colleges.
                            • Enrollment has declined 8.four% since 2010.
                            • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 195.3%.
                            • 29.8% of total-fourth dimension students are female.
                            • 85.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                            • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 14.5% leave the country to attend school.
                            • College Enrollment in Louisiana

                              83.0% of students enrolled in Louisiana colleges are state residents; 17.0% are nonresidents.

                              • 243,750 students are enrolled in Louisiana colleges.
                              • Enrollment has declined seven.6% since 2010.
                              • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 118.iv%.
                              • 34.0% of full-time students are female.
                              • 74.9% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                              • Among all land residents enrolled in higher, 14.6% leave the state to attend schoolhouse.
                              • Higher Enrollment in Maine

                                62.8% of students enrolled in Maine colleges are state residents; 37.2% are nonresidents.

                                • 71,658 students are enrolled in Maine colleges.
                                • Enrollment has declined ane.0% since 2010.
                                • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 112.1%.
                                • 39.9% of full-time students are female person.
                                • 87.4% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                • Amongst all land residents enrolled in college, 29.2% leave the country to attend schoolhouse.
                                • College Enrollment in Maryland

                                  76.ix% of students enrolled in Maryland colleges are state residents; 23.1% are nonresidents.

                                  • 354,913 students are enrolled in Maryland colleges.
                                  • Enrollment has declined half dozen.1% since 2010.
                                  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 152.6%.
                                  • 33.i% of full-fourth dimension students are female person.
                                  • 67.four% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                  • Amongst all state residents enrolled in college, 33.5% leave the state to attend school.
                                  • College Enrollment in Massachusetts

                                    59.5% of students enrolled in Massachusetts colleges are state residents; 40.5% are nonresidents.

                                    • 492,497 students are enrolled in Massachusetts colleges.
                                    • Enrollment has declined 3.0% since 2010.
                                    • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 67.i%.
                                    • 28.two% of full-time students are female.
                                    • 83.1% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                    • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, 33.4% leave the land to attend schoolhouse.
                                    • Higher Enrollment in Michigan

                                      86.3% of students enrolled in Michigan colleges are state residents; 13.vii% are nonresidents.

                                      • 525,491 students are enrolled in Michigan colleges.
                                      • Enrollment has declined since 2010.
                                      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 77.vii%.
                                      • 38.7% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
                                      • 41.2% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                      • Among all country residents enrolled in college, 13.ane% go out the state to attend school.
                                      • College Enrollment in Minnesota

                               of students enrolled in Minnesota colleges are state residents; 22.3% are nonresidents.

                                        • 402,729 students are enrolled in Minnesota colleges.
                                        • Enrollment has declined 13.v% since 2010.
                                        • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 189.5%.
                                        • 33.0% of total-time students are female.
                                        • 86.half dozen% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                        • Amidst all state residents enrolled in higher, 30.i% leave the state to attend schoolhouse.
                                        • College Enrollment in Mississippi

                                          78.1% of students enrolled in Mississippi colleges are state residents; 21.ix% are nonresidents.

                                          • 166,969 students are enrolled in Mississippi colleges.
                                          • Enrollment has declined 7.2% since 2010.
                                          • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 143.4%.
                                          • 31.iv% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
                                          • 60.0% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                          • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, ten.8% leave the land to attend school.
                                          • College Enrollment in Missouri

                                            76.2% of students enrolled in Missouri colleges are state residents; 23.viii% are nonresidents.

                                            • 362,908 students are enrolled in Missouri colleges.
                                            • Enrollment has declined 18.4% since 2010.
                                            • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 141.8%.
                                            • 42.7% of total-time students are female person.
                                            • 88.9% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                            • Among all country residents enrolled in higher, 20.5% exit the country to attend school.
                                            • College Enrollment in Montana

                                              63.iv% of students enrolled in Montana colleges are state residents; 36.6% are nonresidents.

                                              • 48,066 students are enrolled in Montana colleges.
                                              • Enrollment has declined ix.8% since 2010.
                                              • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 77.2%.
                                              • 33.8% of total-fourth dimension students are female.
                                              • 62.3% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                              • Amongst all state residents enrolled in higher, 23.1% leave the state to attend school.
                                              • College Enrollment in Nebraska

                                                75.1% of students enrolled in Nebraska colleges are land residents; 24.9% are nonresidents.

                                                • 135,509 students are enrolled in Nebraska colleges.
                                                • Enrollment has declined half-dozen.three% since 2010.
                                                • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 116.2%.
                                                • 35.v% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
                                                • 92.4% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, eighteen.iv% leave the state to attend school.
                                                • Higher Enrollment in Nevada

                                                  88.two% of students enrolled in Nevada colleges are state residents; 11.viii% are nonresidents.

                                                  • 119,771 students are enrolled in Nevada colleges.
                                                  • Enrollment has declined 7.4% since 2010.
                                                  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 846.4%.
                                                  • 34.5% of full-time students are female person.
                                                  • 73.4% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                  • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 21.2% leave the state to attend school.
                                                  • Higher Enrollment in New Hampshire

                                                    29.8% of students enrolled in New Hampshire colleges are land residents; seventy.2% are nonresidents.

                                                    • 169,338 students are enrolled in New Hampshire colleges.
                                                    • Enrollment has increased 124.2% since 2010.
                                                    • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 156.nine%.
                                                    • 31.four% of full-time students are female person.
                                                    • 92.3% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                                    • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, go out the state to attend schoolhouse.
                                                    • College Enrollment in New Jersey

                                                      90.3% of students enrolled in New Jersey colleges are country residents; ix.7% are nonresidents.

                                                      • 413,175 students are enrolled in New Jersey colleges.
                                                      • Enrollment has declined 7.0% since 2010.
                                                      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 105.five%.
                                                      • 25.8% of total-fourth dimension students are female person.
                                                      • 22.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                      • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, 36.nine% leave the state to attend school.
                                                      • Higher Enrollment in New Mexico

                                                        81.ii% of students enrolled in New Mexico colleges are state residents; xviii.eight% are nonresidents.

                                                        • 121,816 students are enrolled in New United mexican states colleges.
                                                        • Enrollment has declined 25.1% since 2010.
                                                        • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 265.6%.
                                                        • 34.7% of full-time students are female.
                                                        • 79.2% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                                        • Amid all state residents enrolled in higher, leave the state to attend school.
                                                        • College Enrollment in New York

                                                          77.5% of students enrolled in New York colleges are state residents; 22.v% are nonresidents.

                                                          • ane,235,812 students are enrolled in New York colleges.
                                                          • Enrollment has declined 5.3% since 2010.
                                                          • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 61.8%.
                                                          • 27.iii% of full-fourth dimension students are female person.
                                                          • 97.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                          • Amid all country residents enrolled in college, 18.six% leave the country to attend school.
                                                          • College Enrollment in North Carolina

                                                            81.7% of students enrolled in N Carolina colleges are state residents; 18.3% are nonresidents.

                                                            • 568,563 students are enrolled in North Carolina colleges.
                                                            • Enrollment has declined 2.ix% since 2010.
                                                            • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 240.7%.
                                                            • of full-time students are female person.
                                                            • 54.ix% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                                            • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 14.0% leave the land to attend school.
                                                            • College Enrollment in Northward Dakota

                                                              50.8% of students enrolled in Northward Dakota colleges are state residents; 49.2% are nonresidents.

                                                              • 52,354 students are enrolled in North Dakota colleges.
                                                              • Enrollment has declined 8.0% since 2010.
                                                              • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 80.7%.
                                                              • 35.vii% of full-time students are female.
                                                              • 81.four% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                              • Amid all state residents enrolled in college, 26.five% leave the state to attend school.
                                                              • College Enrollment in Ohio

                                                                74.6% of students enrolled in Ohio colleges are state residents; 25.iv% are nonresidents.

                                                                • 656,445 students are enrolled in Ohio colleges.
                                                                • Enrollment has declined 11.nine% since 2010.
                                                                • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 98.0%.
                                                                • 33.7% of total-time students are female.
                                                                • 87.1% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, 15.four% go out the state to attend school.
                                                                • Higher Enrollment in Oklahoma

                                                                  77.i% of students enrolled in Oklahoma colleges are state residents; 22.9% are nonresidents.

                                                                  • 192,656 students are enrolled in Oklahoma colleges.
                                                                  • Enrollment has declined 16.4% since 2010.
                                                                  • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 109.three%.
                                                                  • 33.2% of full-time students are female.
                                                                  • 78.0% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                                                  • Amongst all land residents enrolled in college, 13.v% exit the state to nourish school.
                                                                  • College Enrollment in Oregon

                                                                    71.6% of students enrolled in Oregon colleges are land residents; 28.4% are nonresidents.

                                                                    • 225,716 students are enrolled in Oregon colleges.
                                                                    • Enrollment has declined x.3% since 2010.
                                                                    • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 106.0%.
                                                                    • 35.three% of full-time students are female.
                                                                    • 87.ii% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                    • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 19.3% get out the state to attend school.
                                                                    • College Enrollment in Pennsylvania

                                                                      71.i% of students enrolled in Pennsylvania colleges are state residents; 28.9% are nonresidents.

                                                                      • 693,340 students are enrolled in Pennsylvania colleges.
                                                                      • Enrollment has declined 13.8% since 2010.
                                                                      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 95.8%.
                                                                      • 34.1% of total-time students are female.
                                                                      • 84.i% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                      • Amid all state residents enrolled in higher, nineteen.9% exit the state to attend school.
                                                                      • College Enrollment in Puerto Rico

                                                                        99.2% of students enrolled in Puerto Rico colleges are residents; 0.viii% are nonresidents.

                                                                        • 2,084 students are enrolled in X colleges.
                                                                        • Enrollment has declined 23.7% since 2010.
                                                                        • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 89.1%.
                                                                        • 45.6% of total-time students are female person.
                                                                        • 29.8% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                                                        • Amidst all residents enrolled in college, 3.6% exit Puerto Rico to nourish schoolhouse.
                                                                        • College Enrollment in Rhode Island

                                                                          twoscore.nine% of students enrolled in Rhode Island colleges are country residents; 59.ane% are nonresidents.

                                                                          • 80,077 students are enrolled in Rhode Island colleges.
                                                                          • Enrollment has declined 5.9% since 2010.
                                                                          • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 85.4%.
                                                                          • 39.4% of full-time students are female.
                                                                          • 56.ii% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                                                          • Among all land residents enrolled in college, leave the state to attend schoolhouse.
                                                                          • College Enrollment in South Carolina

                                                                            75.0% of students enrolled in S Carolina colleges are land residents; 25.0% are nonresidents.

                                                                            • 241,572 students are enrolled in South Carolina colleges.
                                                                            • Enrollment has declined 6.0% since 2010.
                                                                            • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 269.8%.
                                                                            • 42.3% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
                                                                            • 49.7% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                            • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, 14.2% leave the state to nourish schoolhouse.
                                                                            • College Enrollment in S Dakota

                                                                              61.iv% of students enrolled in Southward Dakota colleges are state residents; are nonresidents.

                                                                              • 51,941 students are enrolled in South Dakota colleges.
                                                                              • Enrollment has declined xi.0% since 2010.
                                                                              • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 90.five%.
                                                                              • 39.half-dozen% of full-time students are female.
                                                                              • 81.9% of enrolled students nourish public institutions.
                                                                              • Amidst all state residents enrolled in higher, 24.three% get out the state to attend schoolhouse.
                                                                              • College Enrollment in Tennessee

                                                                                79.9% of students enrolled in Tennessee colleges are state residents; 20.1% are nonresidents.

                                                                                • 323,086 students are enrolled in Tennessee colleges.
                                                                                • Enrollment has declined 8.2% since 2010.
                                                                                • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 160.4%.
                                                                                • 31.7% of full-time students are female.
                                                                                • 83.7% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                • Among all country residents enrolled in higher, 16.ix% leave the country to nourish school.
                                                                                • College Enrollment in Texas

                                                                                  92.6% of students enrolled in Texas colleges are land residents; 7.4% are nonresidents.

                                                                                  • 1,657,691 students are enrolled in Texas colleges.
                                                                                  • Enrollment has declined 7.ix% since 2010.
                                                                                  • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 247.3%.
                                                                                  • 40.iv% of full-time students are female.
                                                                                  • 70.1% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                  • Amongst all country residents enrolled in higher, 12.ii% leave the state to attend school.
                                                                                  • College Enrollment in Utah

                                                                                    57.eight% of students enrolled in Utah colleges are land residents; 42.2% are nonresidents.

                                                                                    • 381,283 students are enrolled in Utah colleges.
                                                                                    • Enrollment has increased 49.1% since 2010.
                                                                                    • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 213.0%.
                                                                                    • 28.viii% of full-time students are female person.
                                                                                    • 89.iii% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                    • Amid all state residents enrolled in college, 9.5% get out the state to attend school.
                                                                                    • College Enrollment in Vermont

                                                                                      31.7% of students enrolled in Vermont colleges are state residents; 68.3% are nonresidents.

                                                                                      • 41.186 students are enrolled in Vermont colleges.
                                                                                      • Enrollment has declined 9.half dozen% since 2010.
                                                                                      • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 105.two%.
                                                                                      • 44.three% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
                                                                                      • 49.7% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                      • Among all state residents enrolled in college, 48.half dozen% exit the state to attend schoolhouse.
                                                                                      • College Enrollment in Virginia

                                                                                        75.9% of students enrolled in Virginia colleges are state residents; 24.1% are nonresidents.

                                                                                        • 557,063 students are enrolled in Virginia colleges.
                                                                                        • Enrollment has declined 3.6% since 2010.
                                                                                        • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 280.4%.
                                                                                        • 38.2% of full-time students are female person.
                                                                                        • 61.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                        • Among all state residents enrolled in higher, xviii.8% leave the state to attend school.
                                                                                        • Higher Enrollment in Washington

                                                                                          80.nine% of students enrolled in Washington colleges are land residents; xix.1% are nonresidents.

                                                                                          • 363,019 students are enrolled in Washington colleges.
                                                                                          • Enrollment has declined six.5% since 2010.
                                                                                          • Betwixt 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 111.5%.
                                                                                          • 34.nine% of full-fourth dimension students are female person.
                                                                                          • 69.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                          • Among all land residents enrolled in college, 23.0% go out the state to attend school.
                                                                                          • College Enrollment in Westward Virginia

                                                                                            60.4% of students enrolled in West Virginia colleges are country residents; 39.half dozen% are nonresidents.

                                                                                            • 139,159 students are enrolled in West Virginia colleges.
                                                                                            • Enrollment has declined viii.vii% since 2010.
                                                                                            • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 141.4%.
                                                                                            • 38.iv% of full-time students are female.
                                                                                            • 87.0% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                            • Amidst all land residents enrolled in higher, 14.6% exit the state to attend school.
                                                                                            • College Enrollment in Wisconsin

                                                                                              74.9% of students enrolled in Wisconsin colleges are land residents; 25.1% are nonresidents.

                                                                                              • 332,856 students are enrolled in Wisconsin colleges.
                                                                                              • Enrollment has declined 13.iv% since 2010.
                                                                                              • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased 90.1%.
                                                                                              • 27.0% of full-time students are female.
                                                                                              • 58.8% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                              • Amidst all state residents enrolled in college, 20.1% leave the state to attend schoolhouse.
                                                                                              • College Enrollment in Wyoming

                                                                                       of students enrolled in Wyoming colleges are state residents; 35.4% are nonresidents.

                                                                                                • 32,373 students are enrolled in Wyoming colleges.
                                                                                                • Enrollment has declined 15.5% since 2010.
                                                                                                • Between 1970 and 2010, enrollment increased
                                                                                                • 33.7% of full-fourth dimension students are female.
                                                                                                • 82.five% of enrolled students attend public institutions.
                                                                                                • Amongst all state residents enrolled in higher, 23.three% leave the state to attend school.
                                                                                                • line graph of racial demographics trends in college enrollment from 1976 to 2018

                                                                                                  Percentage of Loftier School Graduates That Get to Higher

                                                                                                  The percentage of high school graduates (referred to sometimes as completers) who enroll in either ii-year or 4-year institutions following graduation is referred to every bit the immediate college enrollment charge per unit.

                                                                                                  • In Spring 2017, ii.9 one thousand thousand students graduated from high school.
                                                                                                  • 1.9 one thousand thousand students enrolled every bit college freshmen in Fall 2018.
                                                                                                  • 607,977 first-time students between historic period 18 and 24 were enrolled in college in Bound 2018, compared to 642,653 in Jump 2017 and 653,312 in Leap 2016.
                                                                                                  • In 2018, 42.8% of all persons between historic period 16 and 24 werenot enrolled in school.
                                                                                                  • Also in 2018, college enrollment rates for recent loftier school graduates between age 16 and 24 were 66.9% for men and 71.3% for women.
                                                                                                  • 23% of graduates enrolled in 2-year institutions.
                                                                                                  • More than lx% of students taking the GED test indicated they intended to attend college.
                                                                                                  • 98% of colleges that require a loftier school diploma accept the GED credential.

                                                                                                  Line graph: Historical College Enrollment at Public and Private Institutions

                                                                                                  FAFSA Enrollment Categories

                                                                                                  When applying for federal student aid, a electric current or prospective student may be considered "dependent" or "independent". These categories were formally labeled "traditional" and "nontraditional". Some institutions still use these terms.

                                                                                                  • Traditional student characteristics include full-time enrollment inside a year of graduating high school.
                                                                                                  • Financially independent students enrolled function-time and/or enrolled without a diploma or GED may be considered nontraditional.
                                                                                                  • The FAFSA lists independent student characteristics every bit follows:
                                                                                                    • 24 years of age or older.
                                                                                                    • Married.
                                                                                                    • Graduate/Professional person pupil.
                                                                                                    • Agile-duty fellow member of armed forces or veteran.
                                                                                                    • Ward of the court/state, orphan, in foster care since age 13.
                                                                                                    • Accept legal dependents other than a spouse.
                                                                                                    • An emancipated small.
                                                                                                    • Homeless or at hazard of becoming homeless.

                                                                                                  Bar graph: Adult Roles Among College Students, Undergradutes and Graduates, by Sex

                                                                                                  Independent Pupil Statistics

                                                                                                  Independent students commonly have lower levels of income and are more likely to have children nether the age of eighteen.

                                                                                                  • The median age amidst contained students is 29 years.
                                                                                                  • Independent students are seventy% less likely to graduate within vi years.
                                                                                                  • 55% of female students have at least one characteristic of an contained student; 46% of male students have at least one characteristic of contained students.
                                                                                                  • With the exception of Asian students, at least half of female students of color are contained.
                                                                                                  • 51% of independent students are parents.
                                                                                                  • 42% of independent students live at or below the federal poverty line.
                                                                                                  • 43% of contained students with children live at or below the federal poverty line.
                                                                                                  • 63% of single mothers in college alive in poverty.
                                                                                                  • 72% of student parents accept financial need even afterward financial assist, grants, and family unit contributions.
                                                                                                  • 2.1 million student parents attended two-year colleges in 2014.
                                                                                                  • 71% of independent college students with dependent children are women.
                                                                                                  • 47% of Blackness or African American women in college are parents.
                                                                                                  • 41% of American Indian or Alaska Native women in college are parents.
                                                                                                  • 39% of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander women are parents.
                                                                                                  • 32% of Hispanic or Latino women are parents.
                                                                                                  • 29% of White or Caucasian women and xviii% of Asian women in college are parents.
                                                                                                  • sixty% of mothers in higher are raising their children without the support of a partner, spouse, or other family member.
                                                                                                  • 56% of parents in college devote more than xxx hours a week to caring for their children.
                                                                                                  • 88% of single parents with children have incomes at or below 200% of the poverty line.
                                                                                                  • The average level of debt for unmarried mothers afterward graduation is $3,800 higher than female students with no children.
                                                                                                  • The average level of debt a single mother owes is at least $5,000 more than male graduates with no children.

                                                                                                  International Student Population & Enrollment Statistics

                                                                                                  International enrollment for 2020 declined significantly due to COVID-related travel restrictions. The height US schools hosting students in 2019 were New York University, University of Southern California Los Angeles, Northeastern University, Columbia University and Academy of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign.

                                                                                                  • 62 earth leaders have enrolled in U.s.a. colleges.
                                                                                                  • In 2019, the total number of international students enrolled in US colleges was 1,095,299, making up v.5% of the total US student body.
                                                                                                  • Foreign students who made up 12% of the total student population contributed nearly thirty% of full tuition revenue at public universities in 2015.
                                                                                                  • In 2018, the total contribution to the US economy past international students was estimated to exist over $45 billion.
                                                                                                  • In 2018, at that place were 86,300 international students enrolled in US community colleges.
                                                                                                  • Since 2001, the population of international students enrolled in higher educational activity courses away from their habitation of origin has increased from two.1 one thousand thousand to v.3 million.
                                                                                                  • The percentage of these students studying in the US has dropped from 28% to 21%.
                                                                                                  • In 2019, the highest international student populations in the US by their nation of origin were:
                                                                                                    • China, with 369,548 students.
                                                                                                    • India, with 202,014 students.
                                                                                                    • South korea, with 52,250 students.
                                                                                                    • Saudi Arabia, with 37,080 students.
                                                                                                    • Canada, with 26,122 students.

                                                                                                  US Students Studying Abroad: General Statistics

                                                                                                  • In 2018, there were 341,751 US students studying away for academic credit and 38,401 students overseas for non-credit internships, volunteering, inquiry, and other work.
                                                                                                  • 10% of Us undergraduate students study abroad earlier graduating
                                                                                                  • Amidst US students abroad in 2018, 25.6% (98,451) of students were enrolled in Science, Engineering science, Engineering and Math (Stalk) programs. In addition:
                                                                                                    • xx.8% of students enrolled in Business.
                                                                                                    • 17.1% of students enrolled in Social Sciences programs.
                                                                                                    • 7.i% of students enrolled in Strange Language/International Studies.
                                                                                                    • six.viii% of students enrolled in Fine or Applied Arts programs.
                                                                                                    • Of these fields of study, Fine or Applied Arts saw the most growth from the 2016/2017 school year, with an increase of 10.8% for the 2017/2018 schoolhouse year.
                                                                                                  • In 2018, the duration of U.s.a. study abroad was typically curt-term:
                                                                                                    • 64% of students stayed for  a summer term or a period of 8 weeks or less.
                                                                                                    • 33% of students stayed for one semester/quarter or 2 quarters.
                                                                                                    • two.iii% of students stayed long-term for an academic or agenda twelvemonth.
                                                                                                  • The regions most popular with US students studying abroad were:
                                                                                                    • Europe, with 55% of students.
                                                                                                    • Latin America (Including Mexico) & Caribbean, with 15% of students
                                                                                                    • Asia, with 11.2% of students.
                                                                                                    • Oceana, with 4.3% of students.
                                                                                                    • Sub-Saharan Africa, with iv.2% of students.
                                                                                                  • Among those regions, the nigh popular countries for US students were:
                                                                                                    • Great britain, with 39,403 students.
                                                                                                    • Italia, with 39,945 students.
                                                                                                    • Espana, with 32,411 students.
                                                                                                    • France, with 17,185 students.


    1. United States Census Agency, Current Population Survey
    2. National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Educational activity Statistics
    3. NCES, Integrated Postsecondary Instruction Information System
    4. NCES, The Condition of Education
    5. Parent Toolkit, "Public vs. Individual Colleges."
    6. NCES, "Definitions and Information:  Who is Nontraditional?"
    7. Federal Pupil Help, "Grants and Scholarships."
    8. Full Trends in Student Aid 2019 written report.
    9. PEW Research Center, A Rising Share of Undergraduates Are From Poor Families
    10. Depression-Income Students at Selective Colleges: Disappearing or Belongings Steady?
    11. Forbes, Final Fall Count: Enrollment Down 2.five%